Wednesday, February 21, 2007

12/13-Aug-2006 19th Ord B

Entrance...................... Praise My Soul the King of Heaven (AOV1-78)
Penitential Rite............. --
Kyrie........................... --
Gloria.......................... --
Psalm.......................... Taste and See (AOV1-88)
Alleluia........................ Mass of a Joyful Heart
Offertory..................... In the Breaking (AOV1-58)
Holy Holy.................... Mass of a Joyful Heart
Memorial Acclamation... Mass of a Joyful Heart
Great Amen................. Mass of a Joyful Heart
Lamb of God................ Mass of a Joyful Heart
Communion................. I am the Bread of Life (AOV1-49)
Thanksgiving............... Ubi Caritas
Recessional.................. Yahweh (AOV1-68)

8/9-Jul-2006 14th Ordinary B

Entrance...................... Spirit of Love (Yellow)
Penitential Rite............. --
Kyrie........................... --
Gloria.......................... --
Psalm.......................... ..............(Gather)
Alleluia........................ Mass of a Joyful Heart
Offertory..................... Here I Am Lord (AOV1-90)
Holy Holy.................... Mass of a Joyful Heart
Memorial Acclamation... Mass of a Joyful Heart
Great Amen................. Mass of a Joyful Heart
Lamb of God................ Mass of a Joyful Heart
Communion................. Be Not Afraid (AOV1-114)
Thanksgiving............... Eye Has Not Seen (AOV1-146)
Recessional.................. Christ Be Our Light (AOV2-3)

10/11-Jun-2006 Feast of the Holy Trinity

Entrance...................... All People That On Earth Do Dwell......... AOV1.......
Penitential Rite............. --
Kyrie........................... --
Gloria.......................... --
Psalm.......................... --
Alleluia........................ Mass of a Joyful Heart
Offertory..................... We Walk By Faith................................. AOV1... 63
Holy Holy.................... Mass of a Joyful Heart
Memorial Acclamation... Mass of a Joyful Heart
Great Amen................. Mass of a Joyful Heart
Lamb of God................ Mass of a Joyful Heart
Communion................. Here I Am Lord................................... AOV1.... 90
Thanksgiving............... Trinity Song........................................ Yellow......
Recessional.................. Glory And Praise To Our God................ AOV1.... 16