Tuesday, June 26, 2007

7/8-Jul-2007 14th Ordinary C

Entrance...................... Praise to the Lord the Almighty (AOV2-132)
Penitential Rite............. --
Kyrie........................... --
Gloria.......................... --
Psalm.......................... Let all the Earth (AOV2-152)
Alleluia........................ Mass for Peace
Offertory..................... Come to Me (AOV1 - 37)
Holy Holy.................... Mass for Peace
Memorial Acclamation... Mass for Peace
Great Amen................. Mass for Peace
Lamb of God................ Mass for Peace
Communion................. Be Not Afraid (AOV1-114)
Thanksgiving............... I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (AOV1-54)
Recessional.................. City of God (AOV1-57)

Back in business

Choir recess is now over and the Holy Cross Choir will return to our monthly Masses on 7th July 2007.

I am pleased to announce that I am now married and my wonderful husband continues to support me in my musical endeavours including my directorship of the Holy Cross Choir.